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On Saturday, March 30th, starting at 10:00 a.m., the Bolinas Fire Department and Bolinas Disaster Council, along with the Marin County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services, will be conducting a VOLUNTARY TSUNAMI EVACUATION DRILL for the Downtown, Little Mesa and Gospel Flats areas. We will be placing a call to the residents in these areas via a reverse 911 system with a prerecorded message at approximately 10:00 a.m. Saturday March 30th. We will also be using "Alert Marin" to notify people of the drill via text messages.


If you choose to participate, please proceed in your vehicle to the Bolinas Fire Station on Mesa Rd. At the fire station you will find information on emergency preparedness from the Fire Department, Disaster Council, West Marin CERT, and the Marin County Sheriff's Office of Emergency Services.


To receive ā€œAlert Marinā€ texts and find out more about Alert Marin, go to


While this exercise is focused on the low-lying areas, all citizens of Bolinas are encouraged to stop by the fire station to pick up information about Emergency Preparedness.


During the exercise you will see fire engines and law enforcement vehicles moving throughout these areas to simulate an actual response.


For further information, please call the fire station at 868-1566.

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