Bolinas Fire Protection District
100 Mesa Road, P.O. Box 126, Bolinas, CA 94924
415.868.1566 (non-emergency) | 415.868.2009 fax
George Krakauer, Fire Chief
Mission Statement
The mission of the Bolinas Fire Protection District is to ensure the safety and peace of mind of our community by providing leadership, support and education to the community members in their efforts to stay safe, and by responding effectively to calls for emergency services.
We maintain readiness in staffing, training, equipment, apparatus and facilities to provide effective emergency response independent of outside resources.
We serve the community with respect and compassion for every community member and visitor, every staff member and volunteer, upholding the trust of the community, caring for their safety and prudently managing their resources.
On February 14, 1958, the Bolinas Fire Protection District was formed pursuant to the provisions of the Local Fire District Law, particularly Section 14017 of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California. Prior to the formation of the District, the Bolinas Volunteer Fire Department had been providing emergency response since 1954. Currently, The Fire Protection District Law (Health & Safety Code §13800, et seq.) is the source of statutory authority for more than 380 fire protection districts in the State of California, including Bolinas.
The Bolinas Fire Protection District provides fire protection, emergency medical care, and disaster management to the community of Bolinas. The size of the District is approximately ten and a half square miles, reaching from Dogtown at the north to Volunteer Canyon at the south, Ridgecrest Blvd. (on top of Mt. Tamalpais) to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west. The Bolinas Fire Department serves a resident population of approximately 2,500 people as well as thousands of visitors to the beaches and trails within the District and responds to over two hundred and fifty emergency calls a year.
The Fire District employs a full-time fire chief, firefighter, and administrative manager, along with about eighteen volunteer firefighters, most of whom are certified Emergency Medical Technicians. The Department's rescue/command vehicle is staffed twenty four hours a day, seven days a week by either a paid firefighter or a qualified volunteer Duty Officer. Bolinas Fire Department dispatching is handled by Marin County Fire Department from their headquarters in Woodacre. A paramedic ambulance is provided by Marin County Fire Department and comes from Point Reyes Station, approximately twenty minutes away. During the summer months, Marin County Fire Department staffs a second paramedic ambulance which is quartered in Stinson Beach and serves the Bolinas and Stinson Beach communities by agreement with the Stinson Beach Fire Protection District, the Bolinas Fire Protection District, and the County of Marin, reducing the response time for Advanced Life Support services to about ten minutes.
The Fire Department staff is available to Bolinas residents to answer questions or inspect your property for fire safety and related concerns (fireplace and wood stove installation, roads - access and escape routes, recommended brush clearance, and disaster planning, for example).
The five directors of the Fire Protection District are elected by voters in the District to four year terms and meet at the Firehouse at 100 Mesa Road on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise noticed. The volunteers meet Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM for training. Call 868-1566 for information on Fire District activities or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer firefighter.
AB 1483 Bolinas Special Tax Levy Report FY 23/24