The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training is a national program to train citizens to help fill the gap between a disaster or emergency, and the arrival of professional services.
In the event of major disaster, our first responders will be overwhelmed so it's critical citizens be prepared to take care of themselves, their neighbors, and their community for 5-7 days. The CERT training teaches you how to help after a disaster.
The course is 20 hours, usually taught over three days for $50. After completing the course, CERTs will be able to provide immediate assistance to handle small fires, turn off utilities, give basic first aid, perform light search and rescue, and collect necessary information to arriving professional first responders. Participants find the class engaging, fun, and very informative.
CERT is a volunteer program, so you can take the CERT training and in a disaster, only take care of your family. While you are not required to be deployed in a disaster, we hope that you'll step up to help out in your neighborhood or the larger community.
Call (415) 868-1566 or see ReadyMarin.org for information and latest schedule!